This enchanting Bronze Fountain of Mermaid Holding Shell is perfect for adding a touch of elegance to any outdoor space. Crafted by renowned artist Guillermo using the lost wax technique, this stunning fountain boasts intricate details and a striking Italian style. Standing at 76” tall and 37” wide, the lifelike mermaid holds a shell over head, which can be used as a water feature, adding to its beauty and creating a serene atmosphere. Made from high-quality bronze, this fountain is a must-have for anyone who wants to add a touch of beauty and sophistication to their garden or patio.
Description: Mermaid holding a shell over her head. Can become a water feature where water comes out of the shell.
Year: New
Artist: Guillermo
Style: Italian
Material: Bronze
Technique: Lost Wax
Dimensions (H x W x D): 76” x 37” x 29”
Bronze Fountain of Mermaid Holding Shell
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