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Introduce a whimsical addition to your garden with this new, life-sized Bronze Statue Children on Slides. The stunning work of Italian artist Gianfranco captures the essence of childhood joy as two boys and a girl gleefully slide down the beautifully designed slide. Crafted using the lost wax technique, this high-quality bronze sculpture stands tall at 82” and measures 111” wide and 20" deep. Don't miss out on the opportunity to add a playful touch to your outdoor space with this exquisite piece of art.


Description: A life size slide with 2 boys and a girl sliding down it.


Year: New

Artist: Gianfranco

Style: Italian

Material: Bronze 

Tecnique: Lost Wax

Dimensions (H x W x D): 82” x 111” x 20”



Bronze Statue Children on Slides

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