This stunning Pair of Brown Jade Chinese Dragons is a unique masterpiece that showcases the intricacy and skill of traditional jade carving. Originating from China, these dragons are carved from the finest Burmese Jade that has a rich brown color with natural markings. The dragons are depicted in a traditional style, with intricate details that are handcrafted using a traditional carving technique. Measuring 3 inches in width, 4 inches in height, and 8 inches in depth, this pair is a valuable addition to any jade collection. Consider adding these dragons to your jade carving collection or displaying them for friends and family to admire.
Pair of Brown Jade Chinese Dragons
Year: 1880s- 1890s
Material: Burmese Jade
Style: Natural
Source: China
Technique: Hand Carved
Dimensions (WxHxD): 3”x 4”x 8”
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SKU: J-M62
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